Monday 11 May 2009

My first blog

My first blog was created by myself and for English activities.
I´m a student of Veterinary in Universidad de Chile, but this is not
my first career, in 2008.
I was studing Architecture in Usach, but it
wasn´t what I like to do the rest of my life. Now I´m very happy with
the University and all the people that a met here, all are kind and seems
to be good persons. For this year, I hope reach a intermediate level of English and make the communication easier.
I´m 19 years old, I live with my mom and my two brothers in an apartment in Ñuñoa,
Stgo, I had a dog, it´s name is Mora and is a Chow-chow and I love it.



    that's my blog, I'm camila agurto =)
    I liked your dog and the name is cool, very original =)

  2. hi simon!!!!!
    i can't believe that you was studied Architecture, the last year i also enter to that carreer but in Universidad de Talca, and i hated ajajjaja !!
    lovely dog!!!

  3. ahahha :O your dog seems a little bear xDD! so you studied Architecture? I didn't know...well see you tomorrow


  4. i love your dog! i have to see her!!
    lol! i see you tomorrow with "bolido" car! lolololololololol!


  5. Hi!!
    Your dog is so cute, I love it too!!!

    I didn't know that you had studied Architecture... the Blog is really useful to know better each other :P

    take care! Bye

  6. Hey i fall in love with your dog (in the good side of the word)... is so sweet♥... i mean it!! jejejeje i had a chow-chow many years ago... but it wasn't THAT cute... but he died :( it was terrible to me :(
    mmhhh is a big change archiTORTURE to Veterinary, but i think that is for better, i like to be your classmate :) jiojiojio oh! and i studied at usach too, but i didn't like it at all my career...

    See you soon, take care :D

  7. Hi Simòn :)

    Your dog is so cute , like mine (L).. . but you have a bear instead of a dog, and I have a sheep instead of a dog xD ajajajajaja

    Bye , take care :D

  8. lol yeah i think yourrr bloggg it´s so famale for you
    i see you on monday.
