Wednesday 27 May 2009

My favourite piece of technology's a Pick-up.
more specific, it's on the world of cars, and I really like one.

I don't have one now but I had a car, well but is not mine, it's my mom's car.
but someday I will and I would be able to carry aything on it.

I'll use it as a vehicle for move 'round the city, beaches and extreme roads, also I could use it for transporting diferent kind of things like big boxes, animals, including a horse, great dogs, pigs and maybe and hippo ajahjahjaha.
Also veterinary materials, carry my family in the future and a lot of other things that i can't remembre now.

I use my mom's car for go to university, like other students of here and like I live near lots of classmates, I pick them up too. It's really funny because we always were late for the classes.

I liked it becouse it's confortable way to move in city and you don't have to wait for the bus in the morning like most of the students.
But no one knows that going on car has it´s problems . You don't have to drive with the fuel tank empty, because it's probably that the car doesn't start and that it's the reason for what going on a car it's really really expensive for me.

When I have my own Truck, and a job of course, I'll go to travel from here to Punta Arenas and meet a lot of new people.
Someday I would live somwhere about the south with cows, horses and a lot of other animals in a big farm and my family.

Monday 11 May 2009

My first blog

My first blog was created by myself and for English activities.
I´m a student of Veterinary in Universidad de Chile, but this is not
my first career, in 2008.
I was studing Architecture in Usach, but it
wasn´t what I like to do the rest of my life. Now I´m very happy with
the University and all the people that a met here, all are kind and seems
to be good persons. For this year, I hope reach a intermediate level of English and make the communication easier.
I´m 19 years old, I live with my mom and my two brothers in an apartment in Ñuñoa,
Stgo, I had a dog, it´s name is Mora and is a Chow-chow and I love it.